Working Together

Get out of the conference room with the power point presentations and offer your team and team leaders the opportunity to have a fun and hands-on experience! We offer Leadership Development and Team Building opportunities. Schedule today! Our teams love the time with the horses, the fantastic food, the time in nature and they learn so much! 

Teams need to reconnect following the restrictions of the pandemic, and what better way to do that, then to join together outside and enjoy peace and quiet, feel safe enough to be authentic, recognize that we are all human and that each of us has a crucial part to play, and that we all need help learning how to balance work and home, preserving relationships both professionally and personally.  Our workshops give teams the tools they need to succeed!  

Kelly partners with several amazing professionals to offer workshops and retreats.  Workshops and retreats are offered on a customized basis as well as planned retreats in Texas and Colorado.   Immerse your team and future leaders in nature, art, great food, equine coaching, and more!

During the Spring and Fall months team building workshops can be scheduled either outside Austin, Texas or in Western Colorado.  We limit participants to 25 team members. Each event is tailored to the team we are working with and can be one to five days. Accommodations, food and all activities are included. 

Our team members participating have experienced reconnection, improved communication, renewed enthusiasm and creativity in their teams, and the experiences lend themselves to truly creating a safe environment of abundance in teams, understanding the importance of working together and placing their relationship with one another first! 

Click here to see a video from one of our last workshops!


“I had such a revelation! I have already shared my experience with others so many times… sometimes we need to lead from the front, but others, we lead from the back, and then remember to back off and let them fly. I’ve been working too hard!”

—Megan C., Chief Communications Officer

More photos and testimonials.

Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) experiences are fast becoming one of the ways to reconnect and become more productive. Highly sought after and effective, EFL provides a unique and memorable experience for you and your team, a natural way to learn new and important skills to become a successful leader, and work within a team towards a common goal.  Relationship over task.

Being an effective leader in the corporate world today requires a unique set of skills, very different from those of former generations. Employees are looking for more meaning, purpose, skills and growth in their everyday work life. No longer beholden to long term contracts with their employer, they will seek out new opportunities if necessary.

In this environment, business leaders must find new ways of working with and reaching their teams. The speed at which the world moves now demands greater creativity, innovation, intuition and results from companies in order to positively affect client satisfaction and the bottom line. This pressure causes a great deal of chatter in over-active and over-stimulated brains which causes stress and anxiety. In that stressed state, we lose our connection to our deep values, creativity and ability to think clearly.  And that is where the horses step in to give immediate authentic feedback necessary to actually experience what it feels like to connect, lead and feel confident during decision-making.

Leadership Development

Learn how to access that perfect blend of integrity, clarity and authority that inspires absolute trust from the horse in your leadership ability. When you get it right they will follow you anywhere you go. This experience of true, authentic leadership is beautiful, unforgettable and immediately applicable to all relationships.

Non-Predatory Leadership Style

Motivation and Communication Skills

Understanding how to communicate intention, while motivating and setting boundaries with a 1200 lb animal, will help teach leaders  challenge demands in a healthy and calm way and gain greater respect and cooperation with relationships both professionally and personally.

Since 90% of our communication is non-verbal, it is necessary to learn the art of tuning in to those around us. Since a horse responds primarily to non-verbal communication, participants learn how to tap into this important skill again.

  • Set Healthy Boundaries
  • Communicate with Clarity
  • Make Decisions
  • Learn How to be a Non-Predatory Leader
  • Cooperation Not Compliance