“I attended an EquiSomatic retreat with Dr. Mary & Kelly in the Fall of 2022. The experience surpassed my expectations and proved to be one of the most transformative healing experiences of my life. Dr. Mary and Kelly’s partnership offers a unique combination of skill sets, with each drawing out the best from a person’s body, mind, and spirit in an open and inclusive way. Even more profound, was the silent but powerful influence of the horses. Horses are our mirrors; indeed, I found the horses to be just as active in guiding us in the retreat as Dr. Mary & Kelly. Dr. Mary’s network care gave my body the resources to process my emotions with Kelly and my retreat peers. The horses mirrored my emotions back to me, and were also there to comfort me as I confronted emotions that were difficult. As a “horse person” I knew that the retreat would have an impact on me, but I wasn’t prepared for how much it would facilitate my healing for years to come. I highly recommend this experience to everyone out there searching for a sense of groundedness, connection, and security. You won’t regret it.”
Angie S. LeRoy, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, Baylor University
“It has been a few months since my daughter and I had the pleasure of a
most amazing experience with Kelly and her horses at her ranch. From the
moment we arrived there was a magical, peaceful feeling. We drove up to
the cutest guest cabin that was awaiting us – it had everything we needed
and more. The cabin was spacious but cozy and stocked with coffee,
cocoa, and treats for us. Better yet, we were surrounded with sweeping
views of the property and mountains, horses running, and visits from the
ranch kitties and dogs.
Honestly, It is hard to even describe the experience and feeling of
peacefulness we experienced. We began each morning with a healthy
homecooked meal (that was delicious!), and continued with activities that
awoke our senses and were enjoyable as well. And, I have to mention the
delicious lunches as well!
Mindful walks around the property, experiencing the sounds, sights, and
nature that surrounded us; picking tomatoes from the garden; an art
session that explored our creativity and also created a keepsake; stretching
on the sunny deck; plus plenty of “downtime” for us to relax, to journal, to
take more walks, and nap.
All the elements of the experiences were fabulous, but the true gem was
the time we experienced with the horses. Those amazing, majestic and
insightful animals that we could see running through the property when we
woke up in the morning, were mesmerizing. I think my daughter and I could
have literally sat and just watched the horses all day.
We had time to work with the horses together and individually. It truly was
an experience neither of us will ever forget. I definitely struggle to stay
present and mindful in my daily life and those horses made sure I worked
on that! I enjoyed watching (from far away) my daughter experience a
sense of peace and calm when she was with the horses. It was exactly
what she and I needed to refocus our energies and work on ourselves.
I have been around horse a little bit in my life, but never in this capacity. It
is truly remarkable how they sense things; how they can make you feel;
and the things they taught us to experience when we were with them.
I am not joking when I say my daughter and I would like to come to see
Kelly and visit the magic of the ranch every month. We talk about planning
our next trip to Colorado and often reflect on the time we spent there. If
anyone is feeling like they need a little escape – a chance to be in nature,
to experience the magic of equine therapy, and be treated to an amazing
experience for the whole person, an equine retreat with Kelly is the real
deal. ” – HL
“I’m doing pretty well all things considered. I’m sad that it’s this way, but feeling empowered at the same time. I appreciate you being here for me. Your help and insight has been invaluable. Thank you!” – TI (Client Going Through Divorce Process)
“The first time I met Kelly and visited South Wind Equestrian Center in 2017 I could feel the peace that she brings to relationships and the healing that is performed by the work she does. When our paths crossed again and we began to discuss working together I knew it was an opportunity not to be passed up. Working with Kelly has been one of the highlights of my career. My name is Hannah Tollefson and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I partner with Kelly as the equine professional in the equine assisted mental health services that we provide as a team to clients. Kelly’s expertise and knowledge in working with horses to help humans heal is unmatched. The role of an equine professional during mental health sessions is to support the equine partner so they remain safe and connected throughout the session. Kelly’s ability to connect with horses is unlike I have ever experienced. Her insight into what the equine partners are experiencing in any given moment and the way she gently communicates this within the session provides a safe space for the client to begin the healing process through gaining awareness about self and relationship patterns.”
“Kelly has a magical way of being a mirror into your soul. Kelly is able to tap into the essence of who you are even if you’ve lost sight of who that person is, while gently guiding, making space, and providing work to help guide you back to your true self. After a lifetime of trauma, Kelly has helped me get to the root of many of the things that have held me back in life and relationships, and for the first time, I am seeing my true potential and healing old wounds that didn’t allow me to grow or move forward. Through guided meditation, talk therapy, and goal setting, I have made more progress with Kelly in the last six months than I’ve made in a lifetime of work on my own. I am forever grateful that I found Kelly and cannot speak highly enough of her gifts.” -Carol
“What a wonderful place to find you inner peace. Kelly and her horses are amazing and help to show you your true self.” – Tiffany
“This is an awesome place that is run by amazing people. The owner is incredibly gifted and talented! What a gem!” – Mike

Labyrinth and Koby
“I’ve known Kelly for many years and I reached out to her for help prior to and then during a difficult divorce. I was being pulled in so many different directions…mom, wife, friend, employee, believer, sinner. I was always doing something and not really taking care of myself. I said yes to too much and never left enough margin to just rest. She gave me freedom to walk the labyrinth and to just be with the horses. She helped center my thoughts and focus on what God was saying, what my body was telling me. Through this I was able to connect more deeply to God and to who I truly was. After just the first session at Unbridled Connection, Kelly was able to help me tap into myself, the me that had been stacked underneath years and years of life and trauma. After another session or two, I was able to crawl out from underneath that stack and make choices that had been sitting in front of me for a long time, but I wasn’t able to see clearly until that moment. Clarity is such a wonderful thing! I realized that I had been in a fog from heavy emotional abuse and control for over a decade and now I saw the truth. I felt a peace that I’ve never felt before as Kelly explained a lot of science on how our brains and bodies process trauma and then shared how to work my way out of it. Kelly is patient, kind, giving and full of knowledge. I don’t consider myself a victim anymore…I’m a survivor!” – L.B.
“Yesterday I received the gentlest, and most authentic healing session with Kelly Smith Jones and her horse Summer. I am amazed at what I was shown by the sweetest spirit, Summer. I gained a different level of presence in my time with her, of being in my body, and having my brain online too. I easily get caught up in my thoughts in life- like most people. Horses are so amazing.
Kelly was an excellent guide for me, helping me to understand why Summer did different movements, or why she didn’t. I was shown how differently she responded to me when I wasn’t doubting myself. I can’t put to words how insightful & wonderful it was. Summer & Kelly both were authentic & loving way-showers.
I left my session feeling light, energized, totally wowed & grateful. Summer was so special to me yesterday. I have so much to learn by connecting to animals!! I hope this touches someone that is looking for support or a fresh perspective, and that you can find it with the horses & Kelly “ – Casie

“While I have known Kelly Jones for less than a year, she has certainly made an impression on me with her profound knowledge and integrity to the art of healing with horses. I’ve personally attended her intensive retreats and can attest her unique gift to nurture, hold space and challenge attendees to greater levels of presence and awareness.” – Chaitali P, Director of Programming, Miraval Resorts
“It has been really lovely getting to know Kelly and watching her open, soften, and trust throughout this course. Kelly is truly a self-directed learner who takes initiative! Kelly is also very passionate about doing good work in this industry, and I know as long as she stays open and receptive, and keeps learning, growing, and
adapting she will embody her ideals in everything that she does! It has been a delight to walk beside Kelly on this journey, and I look forward to our paths crossing again in the future.” – Leif Hallberg, Masterclass 2020
“God sent me to the best angel He knew would have the greatest healing I could ever ask for. He sent me to South Winds Equestrian with Kelly. What a wonderful experience. She opened my mind, my heart and my spirit with Assisted Equine Mindfulness Work. She helped me experience healing from my childhood traumas! I no longer have scary night visions! The horses taught me how to be present to the truth and not to listen to my spinning mind. After four sessions with Kelly, I have made leaps and bounds to healing because of Kelly’s expertise and compassion. She is a joy and a gift! God bless her new Colorado home! She has left a beautiful path of a grateful and stronger spirit behind.” L.C. client
“I worked for Kelly at a resort on Lake Travis near Austin. She managed our equine department and a herd of 12 horses. It took me a few weeks to truly grasp the concepts she was teaching me, but once I did the affect it had on my own relationships with our horses was instantaneous. As my relationships with the horses began to grow, the concepts Kelly was teaching me, such as “asking through release” when one of our particularly untrusting horses didn’t want to be caught, began to shine through. By the end of my tenure at the Retreat, I’m proud to say that with Kelly’s mentorship, our most untrusting horse, was the first one to come up to me every day. Kelly’s ability to teach, no matter the situation is top notch and has lasting effects.
Through all of this she opened my eyes and showed me a whole new world of not only working with horses, but also allowing me to add to my knowledge of helping people through crises. We would do training at her facility and it was clear to me that the connection she had with her horses was incredible. She was able to take two of our other staff members, who had limited equine experience, and provide them with an eye-opening experience using her equine therapy techniques and teaching me what to look for and recognize in the process. This allowed us to successfully host an equine assisted therapy event for veterans and their families at the Retreat, without having her on site, that all of our guests raved about and we were able to help them take the first step towards healing.
Kelly has an enormous amount of knowledge and is extremely passionate about helping others and providing mentorship to those who want to learn. Despite the challenges of her having to work remotely with me, she was always willing to provide leadership in any way that was necessary and I never doubted that she had my back when I had to make time sensitive emergency decisions. Kelly is far and away one of the best horsewomen, leader, mentor and friend that anyone could ask for, and I would happily work for her again in a heartbeat. ” – Matt B
“Kelly you are truly gifted with connecting with horses and teaching that to others. I am looking forward to continuing my journey with horses. Your facility is the most relaxing place I have ever been to and the caring , calm spirit that surrounds your place is so good for my soul.” – S.A.
“My name is Julie and I am a PATH International Therapeutic Riding Instructor. I was blessed to meet Kelly in October 2019 at a Natural Lifemanship Conference. She was immediately easy to talk too and very informative. Kelly has been a wonderful mentor to me. She is very passionate about horses and loves to teach. Kelly is always expanding her knowledge regarding relationships, spirituality, the human brain, horses and how we connect with ourselves, horses and others. Kelly is an awesome horse woman and person. I highly recommend Kelly if you are looking for a mentor. She is one of a kind for sure.” – J. Biggs
“I had the pleasure of visiting South Wind Equestrian Center at sunrise one morning. The horses were gorgeous there, with the sun rays shining through the trees. So peaceful. I think “peaceful” is the keyword that sums up the medicine I felt in the presence of the place. What a joy spending time in nature, with these magnificent animals, getting to know my Nature.Additionally, I met directly with the owner, Kelly Jones, for a documentary video project by ARISE Video Studio. She is a wonderful person, working to bring sacred ceremony and holistic therapy to men and women, with the help of horses. What an exciting offering. That is is the kind of Austin livin’ that inspires me.” – Cabe
“Such a peaceful place & very thoughtfully run. Kelly is wonderful!” – Crystal
“It’s hard and takes a lot of courage to show up and be vulnerable, but it is worth it… even while you’re kicking and screaming. It’s just a safe space for healing, even when your triggers make you feel unsafe and there’s a lot of power in that.” – Therapy Client
“Just a short note to say Thank You so much for a wonderful day and wonderful opportunity to learn. It was a phenomenal experience.” – Survivor Retreat Participant
“Just a short note to tell you that the Mindfulness Retreat was the highlight of my year – Thank you for all of your offerings that day. It was a nurturing and well-run retreat”.
“Just a short note to say Thank You so much for a wonderful day and wonderful opportunity to learn. It was a phenomenal experience.” OMG! This is the best Airbnb ever it’s so gorgeous… Airbnb Guest and Retreat Participant
Our students enjoyed a most meaningful, productive experience at your ranch. Thank you so much for walking the extra mile to make this day extra special for them and us:) They truly enjoyed being with the horses and grooming them. – LISD

Beautiful Moments of Authentic Connection